Written in 19th century Russian, it follows a story of a man named Hermann who hears about the secret three magic cards which guarantee a winning game of faro. In order to gain the secret, Hermann begins a liaison with Lizaveta, the Countess’s young maid. Upon gaining Lizveta’s trust he enters their house. From there on he does not hesitate, he threatens the Countess for the secret cards; leading to her death from fear. After her death, Hermann sees Countess in his sleep where she tells him the secret cards of faro. Following, he wins a few games in a row; nevertheless, last one instead of getting a winning ace he was holding a queen of spades leading him to lose everything including his …show more content…
A narrator is used to provide the necessary information to clarify the understanding of the Russian society during the nineteenth century. The narrator opens up the first paragraph and successfully sets the general idea what the novel will include. Chapter one begins with “Однажды играли в карты.” (1) These opening words have a great significance along with the epigraph. They may be used to set the idea how the higher class in Russia enjoyed spending their time free time. Nevertheless, it can also be an introduction from the narrator informing the audience to pay close attention to scenes with card games. Additionally, it is interesting how chapter one ends; “Однако пора спать; уже без четверти шесть” (3) the narrator is showing that time referencing is important in this story, that the people of the higher class do not seem to work much. Now, it can be compared to the end of chapter two; “Эта минута решила его участь.”(8) It can be suggested that the narrator as well as the characters are concentrated a lot about numbers in order to create a greater impact at the end of the story. The progress of number repetition creates this obsession for numbers which Herman slowly gains until the end of the story. Therefore, the narrator’s job as the story teller is important in portraying vital information as well as leading the plot in the right