Contents Page
3) Introduction
3) What is plagiarism?
3) How to avoid plagiarism 4) Methods of preventing plagiarism 4) Conclusion 5) Bibliography
In this report, the views of plagiarism will be looked at and explored in depth to discover what plagiarism is, an example of a case where plagiarism was at play, how to avoid plagiarism, steps to take to avoid plagiarism and the conclusion looking back over the following text about plagiarism.
What is plagiarism?
The word plagiarism originates from the Latin word, plagiarius, which means “kidnapper” (Fleming, nd), meaning, when people take words or phrases from any publication and publish them as their own. “Plagiarism is the failure to acknowledge your sources or the act of making it appear that someone else 's work is your own…” (Longman, nd). Students that don’t acknowledge this offence will face severe consequences, such as a failing grade in their essay or even expulsion. “Plagiarism is treated very seriously and plagiarised work is usually disqualified…” (Cottrell. S, (2008), p128, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave: Basingstoke) A record will not only affect you graduate but will affect your future career. An example of these consequences involves a psychiatrist plagiarising other publishers work in at least nine different cases (Wainwright, 2008). Once the evidence was found, he was forced to suspend practice for three months. Along with the suspension, his reputation was ruined in his academic field.
How to avoid plagiarism
This is a valid common consequence of plagiarism, however, can be easily avoided. Examples of preventing plagiarism are referencing, motivation to come up with your own work, reading passages and summarise it in your head and use quotations. Following these conducts will stop you from picking up plagiarising habits.
Methods of preventing plagiarism are:
Referencing: This is where you acknowledge a particular
References: http://ed.oc.edu/writersblock/avoidplag/media/e.htm (Longman, nd) http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2008/jun/21/mentalhealth.health (Wainwright, 21st June 2008) http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/write/writesite/plagiarism_tutorial/link_03.aspx (Fleming, nd) Cottrell. S, (2008), p128, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave: Basingstoke Reading: Cottrell. S, (2008) The Study Skills Handbook Case of Dr. Raj vs General Medical Council, The Guardian UK What is Plagiarism? http://www.plagiarism.org/