It could be sharp and constant which is further analysed by the pain of the foot, along with the arch and the heel bone. Plantar Fascitis is characterized by progressive pain that aggravates with weight bearing, especially causing the morning pain and stiffness3. Heel pain is a prevalent condition in the adult population4. Plantar fasciitis …show more content…
Patients typically present with inferior heel pain on weight bearing and associated with maybe searing, or piercing, especially with the first few steps in the dawn or after periods of inactivity.13 On Palpation around the medial plantar calcaneal region, shows the stabbing pain. Ankle or first toe dorsiflexion passively causes the discomfort in the proximal plantar fascia.
This examination can also use for the assessment of the tightness of the Achilles tendon.14 The radiograph may show calcification in the soft tissues around the calcaneum bone. An MRI scan can show thickening of the plantar fascia13. Functionally, the plantar aponeurosis contribute an uncompounded reputation on the sole of the foot and relieve support the longitudinal arch.
It attaches directly to the intermediate tuberosity of the calcaneus. Extending distally, it divides into five digital bands that insert to the bottom of which muscle append of