Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) allow students to receive educational credit for informal learning experiences. To what extent does PLAR provide an incentive for students to enrol in adult learning programs, whether on campus or off campus? Although this is not an easy question to answer, this paper offers an argument for the benefits of PLAR and why a national initiative promoting this concept would be valuable. This paper discusses the formation and implementation of PLAR and its relation to classroom and distance learning, because many distance education programs offer some form of PLAR.
This paper will address the background problems; provide recommendation in respect to the many challenges and accomplishments that face students who do not fulfill regular academic admission requirements.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition is a process that involves the identification, documentation, assessment, and recognition of learning acquired through formal or informal study. This may include work, life experience, training, independent study, volunteering, travel, hobbies, and family experiences. The recognition of prior learning can be used toward the requirements of an academic or training program, occupational or professional certification, or for employment/labour market entry purposes. As defined by the Canadian Labour Force Development Board, “PLAR refers to several methods of evaluating learning from experience, training, workshops, self-directed study, as well as other sources for which university credit may be gained.”
PLAR offers the promise of credits and academic equivalencies that could potentially create new learning opportunities for working people. The general principles of equity and access are at the formation of Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition.
Many individuals have not had the opportunity to pursue postsecondary education due to social, economic, and cultural barriers. However,
References: Cohen, M. G (Ed.). (2002). Training the excluded for work. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. D.W. Livingstone, M.Raykov, and C. Turner, (2004). Canadian Adults’ Interest in Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR): 2004 National Survey. Retrieved January 6’ 2006 from Morris, Claire M., (2000). Creating a Lifelong Learning Society. Education Canada, 40(2), 28-31.EDUC310 course reading file. Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition: “Learning has no boundaries” published by the Canadian Labour Force Development Board, #35 January 1997 Wong, A.T. (1997). Valuing diversity: Prior learning assessment and open learning. In Tait,A. (Ed.), Collected Conference Papers, The Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning, (pp. 208-216). Cambridge, UK.: The Open University.