
Internal Quality Assurance

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Internal Quality Assurance
Candidate Learning Log

NCFE Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice


Candidate Name:
Centre Number:
Centre Name:


Candidate: Date:
Tutor/Assessor: Date:
Internal Moderator*: Date:
External Moderator*: Date:

* for completion if part, or all, of the evidence has been sampled by the Internal and/or External Moderator


Page No.

Section 1: Overview

About this qualification
What you need to cover
Tracking your evidence
How your evidence is checked
How you get your certificate
Opportunities for further education and training

Section 2: Planning and tracking your assessment

Completing your learning log
Example unit
Unit 01 Understanding the principles and practices of internally assuring the quality of assessment
Unit 02 Internally assure the quality of assessment

Section 3: Additional information

Additional support requirements
Appeals or complaints

About NCFE

Equal Opportunities
Data Protection
Section 1 - Overview

About this qualification

Thank you for choosing an NCFE qualification. This learning log is yours to keep and is a place to record your progress.

The NCFE Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice has been accredited by the regulators for England, Wales and Northern Ireland1 and is part of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). Its Qualification Accreditation Number is 501/0889/X.

This qualification has been supported by Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) the Sector Skills Council for professional development of staff working in the UK lifelong learning sector.

What you need to cover

This qualification is made up of a set of

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