When he pushes himself to the limit. He wants to play the game it is like second nature to him. He pushes tell he start to sweats. I think what pushed him was his father because his family did love baseball. There team was New York Yankees so that what what pushes me to the limit. When it is time to go home he stays a little bit longer.
When I push myself is because I love baseball there is nothing you can do to stop me when I come up to bat. My dad says don’t listen to the world around you look at the …show more content…
Don’t let anyone get you down ignore them. Do the stuff you want to do,not what they want you to do with your life. When I was with my dad he said he said be anything you want but all you is got do is but your mind to it. You can accomplish anything. When you accomplish anything you well have a good future
Baseball takes a lot of practice. It is not going to be easy like a slice of pie. It is hard as a zombie chasing a brain. When you join baseball be prepared to run the whole field like at least about 2 times every practice.
Being shortstop is hard because when you they hit it. You better get ready for a grounder or up to your face level. The easiest catch is a popfly unless the sun is in your eyes,and you don’t have sunglasses. Also when try to catch the ball don't do it fancy.Because when you do it fancy you can drop it when you are supposed to make a out at second base.Also don't try to catch a ball in your hand because you can break your fingers or hand. If it is a grounder you can catch it with your glove or hand.but be careful because it can smash your fingers,but I would use the