Foundation: foundation means the early development of someone in their chosen sport, and physical attributes such as throwing, catching, kicking, and hand to eye co-ordination, which in later life all sports based forms are formed upon. However if young people don’t develop there foundation level further then they are un-likely to be long-term sports participants.
Participation: participation is in which a young person takes part in sport purely for fun, enjoyment and maybe the odd time in small types of competition. However competitions at this stage in any type of sport will be as said before for fun, enjoyment, and health and fitness reasons.
Performance: at this stage in sports development, performance signifies a move from basic completion of fun and enjoyment, to a more structured form of competition for a sport at club or county level, or in individual level for certain types of sport.
Excellence: excellence is the top of the sports participation level, and is hard to get to that level, it signifies to people that this person has reached the elite level of their sport that they participate in, this will include competing at national and international in all forms of sport, examples of this is competing in the Olympics.
Football player pathway progression:
Foundation level: the foundation level of this football player pathway consists of “National curriculum/ school teams & competitions”, at this level in this sport it is all about trying to get the children to get involved in this type of sport, by doing so the coaches will teach them the basic skills in this sport such as kicking, passing, throwing, and overall working as a team with others, however even at this stage it is mainly all about enjoyment in the sessions and continue on in this sport.
Participation: the participation level of this pyramid is “FA school linked club programme. Grassroots affiliated