Task A – Briefing Notes
1. Explain the characteristics of freely chosen, self directed play
Freely chosen play is where children are able to choose what they want to do
Personally directed play is where children will choose how they want to do what they have chosen to play.
Intrinsically motivated is why children choose why they choose certain types of play.
Goalless means that children will play for no particular reason in terms of where goals or rewards are concerned.
2 . Explain the importance of observing and analysing children’s and young people’s play. Through observing a child, it helps you to understand and be aware of the child’s interests and levels of capability as well as engaging and stimulating program curriculum. Every practitioner should analyse observations they make of children so they can identify strengths and weaknesses and how far the child has developed. By doing this, practitioners can see where a child requires support and can plan out activities to further develop a child’s needs and are able to make relevant referrals if external support is needed. Observing is also known as a fundamental part of the EYFS, where practitioners are expected to observe children and make notes which helps to keep a record of each child’s progress through the EYFS and enables practioners to plan ahead on areas of learning that need to be more focused upon.
“Key to observing children is simply that watching what they do without offering any external direction, or offering only minimal interaction.” (Moonie, 2004)
3. Explain why it is important to collect information, other than by observation in order to analyse children and young people’s play preferences. Practitioners can collect information from children’s parents to see whether there are other preferences that a child may have this