1. Pluralist Model of Policy Making:
- Involves interaction of (interest) groups exerting influence, with government as (presumed) neutral arbiter
- Ignores those not in groups and the dominance of some (business) groups
- Pluralists claim government must show some balance to keep electorate on side
- Model useful in directing attention to external influences on policy making – especially Business & Developers at local level
Initiation: Need more from councillors (But clear direction from council, not varied councillor agendas)
Research: Clear terms of reference, and ongoing C-S discussion when concerning complex matters, providing objective but politically sensitive staff advice.
Implementation: Limited oversight (interference) by council to ensure policy implemented effectively and efficiently. Council must stand behind policies once adopted.
Review: Should be more systematic and could reduce council involvement in policy implementation Policy Review: Should be more systematic and could reduce council involvement in #4
3. Opportunities:
- Vacuum at the centre (Fed/Prov. Opt outs)
- More responsibilities (downloaded by LSR)
- Policies mandated in Municipal Act (as in procurement & hiring)
- Few conditional grants to distort local choices
Local financial squeeze
Potential provincial intervention-oversight
Impact of globalization and free trade rules
Market model (ROI) focus = limiting
Policies intertwined (example of health & wellness-quality of life
4. The Rational Model is not describing reality or any ideas to be matched. Critics say that if this approach were attempted it could cost more than the savings that would result from this decision. The Penny Arcade model is more realistic and describes more of the policy process in the real world.