(1) Table of Contents
Details properly sequenced with correct page number 1 MARK
(2) Aim of the Study
At least ONE aim clearly stated as a direct or implicit question. 2 MARKS
Aim is geographical and based on the Syllabus Aim allows collection of primary data.
(3) Location of the Study
At least two sketch maps: 4 MARKS
ONE of the site (showing immediate environs), and ONE (usually of territory) showing its location in relation to other features (for example, roads, rivers, settlements within the parish or region or district); BOTH maps accurately drawn and properly labelled.
Between the two maps: (Indication of scale, directional arrow, key or labels, title (1 mark each to maximum 4 marks)
(4) Methodology
A clear statement on HOW data were collected and an example of the instrument used or a brief outline of how observations were made and tests done. 2 MARKS
A clear statement on HOW the data were collected. 1 MARK OR
Little or no mention of HOW the data were collected, but an example of the instrument used is included. 1 MARK
(5) Presentation of Data
Illustrations: variety, for example, graphs, tables, labelled photographs (at least three illustrations to be used). These should be generated from field observation and tested by candidates and not copied from secondary sources (that is, they should be the candidates’ original work). 4 MARKS
Accurate, appropriate, neat, fully labelled,
Bibliography: Alphabetical order by author with title, publisher, place and date with relevant and up-to-date references 1 MARK (11) Penalty for Exceeding Word Limit (Where the word length exceeds 1650 words, 10% of the candidate’s earned score is deducted.) 4 MARKS