Walking back and forth across the stage
I heard the singer cry.
Down at the bar last night,
By the pale of evening moon light.
The band, oh, they did play!
The band, oh, they did play!
To the tune of Rock n’ Roll,
With fingers blazing across the strings
They made the gui-tars scream.
A clash of cymbals,
The pounding of drums
Coming from that Rock n’ Roll.
And far into the moonlight they played
To the roar of the crowd he sang,
Until long after the crowds were gone
Down at the bar last night.
Hello, my name is Ben. I live on a hillside beside a lake where some beavers and squirrels make their homes when it starts to get colder. I find living here to be very relaxing, and it allows me to reflect on nature and life. I do occasionally go into the town because I find it “as refreshing in its way as the rustle of the leaves” in the woods (Thoreau p.). I come from a big city where I used to live the “normal” city life where it’s the hustle and bustle all the time, but I got tired of it. My friends became more and more obsessed with making lots of money and living the high life, but I couldn’t justify myself living that lifestyle and at the end of every day still feeling so empty inside. So I took Thoreau’s advice, “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer” (Thoreau p.). I decided to come out to the lake to be by myself and reflect upon what nature can teach me rather than the schools. I took this from Emerson; he says, “Every individual is capable of discovering this higher truth on his or her own, through intuition” (Emerson p.). I am 6 feet 2 inches tall and have black hair and a full beard with blue eyes. My most comfortable clothes to wear are an old worn out pair of blue jeans, a flannel shirt and flip flops, which is a huge change from the suites, white dress shirts and ties I wore every day to work in the city. I do not think