"The Cold passed reluctantly from the earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, resting. As the landscape changed from brown to green, the army awakened, and began to tremble with eagerness at the noise of rumors. It cast its eyes upon the roads, which were growing from long troughs of liquid mud to proper thoroughfares. A river, amber-tinted in the shadow of its banks, purled at the army’s feet; and at night, when the stream hand become of sorrowful blackness, one could see across it the red , eyelike gleam of hostile campfires set in the low brows of distant hills.”…
In the story Camp Harmony, by Monica Sone, the author uses irony in her story in many ways. First off, the title of the story is called Camp Harmony, and the camp itself is not a very happy or beautiful place. We see this when the author writes,¨It must have rained hard the night before in Puyallup, for we sank ankle deep in gray, glutinous mud¨ and ¨They're the only beautiful things around here¨, referring to dandelions. This show irony because the camp is actually a dull place and it has a cheerful name.…
As the narrator remembers past scenes, he writes, “Brushstrokes flash, a red bird’s/wings cutting across my stare” (22-23). The author recalls memories from the battles, and he retells them as if they are a beautiful piece of art, although the reality is brutal. By envisioning traumatic scenes in a different light, the narrator infers that even the darkest scenes can be viewed with warm energy. When the persona glances into the reflective wall, he explains, “My clouded reflection eyes me/like a bird of prey, the profile of the night/slanted against the morning” (6-8). The author compares night and morning, which puts light against darkness. Although the narrator came with sorrow for all of the lives lost in the Vietnam War, he still sees the hopeful aspect among the grief. No matter what the situation is, hope is always present within one’s darkest…
The beginning of the poem starts out very depressing, the soldier talks as if they are old men on their death beds. ""Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge"(2), this line implies how miserable the soldier 's are, their sick, weak, and enduring unbearable conditions. They are walking toward their camp, which the poem tells us is quite a distance away. But they are so tired they are sleeping as they walk toward the camp. These men don 't even have sufficient clothing, some have lost their boots and most are covered in blood. "Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots / Of tried, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind"(6-7). This line tells us that these men are so exhausted they have become numb to the war and blood-shed around them. The soldier 's have become numb to the 5.9 inch caliber shells flying by their heads, the bombs bursting behind them, and their fallen comrades body 's lying next to them.…
Dramatic irony was used a lot throughout the novel. This created suspense and kept the reader engaged. For example on (pg. 164) it said…
The first example of irony that sets the mood of this short story, was how it was John who had invited Steven over to play card and to keep, his wife, Ann company while he was away helping out at his father's farm. Little did John know it would turn out that Steven and Ann sleep together. Therefore giving this story an unenthusiastic mood to start off with.…
Explain the significance and intent of the last sentence of the story. How is it ironical?…
Irony is an event that the reader expects to happen, but is the quite opposite, usually for a funny or dramatic effect. In An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Peyton Fahrquar is sentenced to death by hanging by the federal military during the civil war for attempting to burn a bridge they were controlling. In this short story, Fahrquar jumps off of the bridge with the noose around his neck and his hands and feet tied, but he still lives. This is an example of irony because the reader will expect him to die instantaneously, but suddenly it was as if the rope grew longer and he fell into the water. As he ‘escapes’, sharpshooters aim and fire, but not a single round will touch him. At the end of the short story, it explains how Fahrquar runs all night to get to his family, just as…
All in all the irony shown through out the novel has brought a plethora of tones in the course of the book. It has shown us a playful, suspenseful, depressing, and saddening tone. All of those tones have contribute to the mainstoryline and conflict on the book. And the irony and tones it provides has a signified impact .…
Two types of irony are presented in the short story The Story of an Hour, situational and dramatic irony. Situational irony is irony involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected. Dramatic irony is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play or story. Situational irony is expressed through Mrs. Mallard’s actions to her husband’s death in the train accident. When she first heard the news of her husband’s death Mrs. Mallard “wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment”(188). It appeared to everyone that she was very sad and upset so she went upstairs to her bedroom; although, she was flowing with excitement. It is natural for a person to be very upset after losing a loved one, so they all understood what was happening.…
Irony is used in the poem “Incident” to create a stronger mood. The poem’s title, “Incident”, is ironic in itself. An incident is usually thought of as a small problem. In the poem, however, it leaves…
Irony is used throughout the poem, an example of this is the title “Pleasant Sunday Afternoon” the title coaxes you to believe that the poem is about a “pleasant” Sunday afternoon, he chooses to do this…
Edgar Allan Poe uses irony to help his readers understand that everything isn’t what it seems. In the story, “The Masque of Red Death”, Poe has the setting in Prince Prospero’s castle, where he holds a masquerade ball for thousands and thousands of guests. Poe prints, “And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all” (61). The irony that Prince Prospero has is that he believes he can escape the Red Death, but in the very end, he is killed by the terrible disease. The narrator’s fear of the disease has lead him to hold a masquerade ball to get his mind and all his guests minds off the fact that death is near and coming for them.…
T. Coraghessan Boyle's "On Top of the Food Chain" is more than just a narration of a selfish person's mistakes. The narrator's tone is a literary element used to show man's indifference for organisms that are of no immediate benefit or are a nuisance to them. _"The thing was, we had a little problem with the insects…"_ The narrator's tone in "Top of the Food Chain" is quickly shown as self-centered in working for his comforts and indifferent to the havoc his choices make on the environment. Humans believe that we can solve everything that is put upon us, but there is always a catch. In this story, Mother Nature proves us that she can always be ahead of how humans perceive things.…
There is a sense of irony in Yann Martel’s novel ‘Life of Pi’. “You are so bored you sink into a state of apathy so close to a coma…in your boredom there are elements of terror… and in the grip of terror -the worst storm- you yet feel boredom, a deep weariness with it all.”(p217) Pi feels terror yet in the midst of that terror is the ironic part; he’s bored. One would expect Pi to be hopeless while on the lifeboat, yet it’s the opposite. He is hopeful and believes one should find happiness anywhere one can find it. “You get your happiness where you can. You reach a point where you’re at the bottom of hell, yet you have your arms crossed and a smile on your face, and you feel you’re the luckiest person on earth. Why? Because at your feet you have a tiny dead fish.”(p217) most wouldn’t consider finding a dead fish lucky, but Pi does, for being in his situation changes one’s perspective and that finding a dead fish is lucky. What happens is the very…