a. Symbol
a.i. Examine the title and text for symbolism
b. Images
b.i. Identify the images and sensory details
c. Figures of Speech
c.i. Analyze figurative language and other devices
d. Tone and Theme
d.i. Discuss how all devices reveal tone and theme
II. Reading Skills and Strategies
a. Look for punctuation
b. Do not make a full stop at the end of a line if there is no period, comma, colon, semicolon, or dash
c. If the poem is difficult to understand, look for the subject, verb, and complement of each sentence
III. Vocabulary Terms
a. Catalog Poem
a.i. The repetition of items in the list creates a rolling rhythm when the poem is read aloud
b. Repetition
b.i. Refers to sounds, words, phrases, or lines that are states or used more than once in a poem
c. Alliteration
c.i. Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words
d. Assonance
d.i. Repetition of similar vowel sounds that are followed by different consonant sounds
e. Personification
e.i. An animal given human-like qualities or an object given life-like qualities
f. Onomatopoeia
f.i. Word or phrase that imitates the sound made by something else
g. Oxymoron
g.i. Figure of speech which contradictory terms appear side by side
h. Hyperbole
h.i. Figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion or create comic effect
i. Idiom
i.i. Expression that means something different from the literal meaning of each word
j. Allusion
j.i. Reference to a statement, person, place, or an event
IV. Poetry Analysis
a. What is the poem about?
b. Number of stanzas?
c. Number of lines per stanza?
d. Speaker?
e. Rhyme scheme?
f. Examples of repetition?
g. Examples of imagery?
h. Examples of symbolism?
V. Catalog Poem
a. The noises of the keyboard bouncing up and down
The bored looks on the students in the room
And the teachers excited voice ringing through the room
VI. Free verse
a. As I walk outside a gush of winds blows my hair back
The crisp cool air slithers between my fingers
The Goosebumps rise on my body
VII. Types of Poetry
a. Narrative
a.i. Tells a story or recounts events
b. Dramatic
b.i. Tells a story but focuses on character
c. Lyric
c.i. Present the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker
VIII. Form and Structure
a. Written in lines
b. Lines are grouped together in stanzas
c. Lines and words are arranged on a page is its form
IX. Sound
a. Rhyme, meter, and word choice are the key sound devices
b. Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the ends of words
b.i. Internal rhyme
b.i.1. Use of rhyming words within a line
b.ii. End Rhyme
b.ii.1. Use of rhymes at the ends of lines
X. Rhythm
a. Pattern of sound created by stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
b. Meter is a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllable
c. Form can affect its rhythm
XI. Free Verse
a. Does not contain regular patterns of rhythm or rhyme
b. No fixed line lengths or stanzas
XII. Imagery and Figurative Language
a. Imagery
a.i. Refers to words and phrases that appeal to the five senses
b. Figurative
b.i. Shows a meaning behind ordinary, literal meaning
XIII. Limerick
a. Light, humorous poem
a.i. 5 lines
a.i.1. Lines 1,2, and 5 rhyme
a.i.2. Lines 3 and 4 rhyme
b. Lines that rhyme also have the same rhythm and number of syllables
XIV. Haiku
a. 17 syllables
a.i. Line one
a.i.1. 5 syllables
a.ii. Line two
a.ii.1. 7 syllables
a.iii. Line three
a.iii.1. 5 syllables
b. Usually contains a seasonal word or symbol
c. Present a single moment of discovery or enlightenment