1. Introduction 1-1 1. Statement of the Problem 1-2 1. General Problem 1-2 2. Specific Problems 1-3 2. Current State of Technology 1-5 3. Objectives of the study 1-7 3. General Objective 1-7 4. Specific Objectives 1-8 5. Scope and Limitations 1-9
2. Theoretical Framework 2-1 1. Introduction 2-1 2. Transaction Processing System 2-1 3. IT Theories 2-2 1. Inventory Management 2-2 2. Point of Sales 2-2 3. Microsoft Visual Basic 2-3 4. Microsoft Access 2-4 5. Database Normalization 2-4 1. First Normalization 2-5 2. Second Normalization 2-5 3. Third Normalization 2-5 4. Non-IT Theory 2-5 6. Re-order Point 2-5 5. Summary 2-6
3. Point of Sales with Inventory Management System and Barcode Integration for Little Town School and
Office Supplies 3-1
1. Introduction 3-1 2. System Design Specification 3-1 1. Data Flow Diagram 3-1 2. Entity Relationship Diagram 3-1 3. Hierarchy Input Process Output 3-2 4. Current Data Flow of Little Town School and
Office Supplies 3-2
5. Context DFD 3-3 5. Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System 3-3 5. Level 0 DFD of the Proposed System 3-4 5. ERD of the Proposed System 3-5 5. HIPO Chart 3-8 1. File Diagram 3-8 2. Transaction Diagram 3-8 3. Report Generation Diagram 3-9 4. File Maintenance Diagram 3-10 5. Utilities Diagram 3-10 5. Summary 3-11
4. Performance Analysis 4-1
Bibliography: APPENDICES Appendix A User Manual Appendix B Product List with Barcode Appendix C Sample Generated Reports Appendix D Sample Receipts