So he could be any were in America but the two big city he is in the most is in Los Angeles, California and Dallas, Texas. 4. The theme in this book is to arise and conquer your enemies or your odds. The way that this is shown in the book is that Clayton and Ellen constantly have to work through the odds and solve problems. For example Ellen Kershaw has wanted to go to Zambia, Africa and be a missionary for most of her life. Her problem was that her parents would not allow it until she graduated from high school. Also Clayton and Ellen are very hard believers in never giving up. Another theme of this book is to spread the word of God to people in need. In the book Arise they gave examples like multiple bible verses, supported children homes, and through their actions or life styles. 5. A motif of this book could be beating the odds and living life to the fullest. For example, Clayton Kershaw is a major league pitcher who plays in the MLB those odds are literally one in a million. Another motif in Arise is winning and exceeding (this show up more than anything). For instance in 2011 Clayton Kershaw won the NL Cy Young award and the pitching Triple Crown (best earned run average, most wins and strikeouts). A third motif is good servant hood. Clayton and Ellen serve …show more content…
Clayton and Ellen serve on this mission field through giving of their time, talents and money. 6. The protagonist is Clayton Kershaw. I think he is the protagonist of the story because his baseball career has enabled them to sponsor the Hopes Home Foundation in Africa. Because of his success they have the means to give to others who are in need. There werent any major conflicts in the book. Clayton did overcome the conflict of becoming a major league baseball player when there arent many people who achieve this dream. The book does not focus on this conflict but, it did mention this challenge and that he is living out his dream. He plays a major role in relation to the other character because they (him and his wife) work together on Hope Home project. They are serving together to help others. 7. An interesting minor character in the story is Ellen Kershaw. The desire and inspiration for Hope Home Foundation started with her. Years ago she had visited Africa and always felt a desire to return and serve the people there. Ellen has every good faith and relationship with God. This can help her because that and her interest in the people in Africa she and Clayton have found how they can serve with a