Frankenstein was a misunderstood individual ,in this excerpt he expressed many times human like emotions in my opinion he would would have fit perfectly into society . this story takes place in a small space called a hovel he live next to a family of hardworking people they own a farm they are an impoverished family with very little but they manage to make it through as a family he talks about the role each family member plays in the household he observes the son of the family who he perceived to be blind spends most of his time outdoors playing or gathering wood the daughter of the family spends most of her time inside as does the mother cooking kindling the fire cleaning sewing the father who carries the largest load of them all does mostly the farming milking of the cows chopping fire wood. This …show more content…
family is everything he could want from anyone but this family is not perfect and they suffer a lot .
Frankenstein has a very mixed up understanding of societal roles and he doesn't completely understand the concept of poverty and suffering or sadness “ i saw no cause for their unhappiness, but i was deeply affected by it.” he also equated beauty with happiness he feels that if he looked differently he would have a family and be happy and also accepted by others “ if such lovely creatures were miserable ,it was less strange that i ,an imperfect solitary being,should be wretched.” he also equated his looks to his attitude he saw the humans as soft and gentle beings while he saw himself as a monster who must be hidden so he wouldn't frighten anyone.
As this story develops you can see his compassion towards this family of cottagers his first act of kindness towards the family was by bringing them a lot of firewood so the children could go out and play this made him feel good inside and he continued to do small acts of kindness towards the family to lessen their load and perhaps make them a happier family he even sacrificed eating because he realized this family only had a little and stealing from them was just wrong . his point of view through the story changed due to him becoming more acquainted with this family .
In conclusion he was a very observant creature and he deserved to be apart of society instead of living like an animal in a whole he showed kindness and compassion towards others and got nothing in return.