Tattoos. Tattoos. Tattoos. There are people against and people that really like tattoos, but who is right? Should I think it is a good or a bad thing? Maybe for the tattooists the art involved is worth the unbearable pain and sacrifice of being tattooed. For the religious, it is a sin to sacrifice one's body with so meaningless purpose.
But, in my opinion, why should we put our body in such dreadful, horrible, alarming pain for a bit of beautiful art on your body? If I had a tattoo on my chest or arm, I would see my funeral race by me in a blur. But here’s a question, "When did tattooing start?" The dangers involved in this procedure, the removal of a tattoo and society's reaction to a tattooed person surely makes someone think twice about it? I do not think it is worth it; thinking it is weird to have one's body penetrated many times by a needle to make only a drawing. So, why do people have tattoos? Why is it a common place nowadays? Probably because people see that the tattoo is a way of expression. It marks thoughts, opinions, and memories. But why can people be so downright selfish about their fucking self and how they look, to take advantage and mistreat their skin with such abusive art? I think it is wrong, selfish and immoral!
Technique Used: Repetition, Rhetorical Questions, Hyperbole, Rule of Three, Asynthetic List, Oxymoron, Personification, Juxtaposition, Grotesque, Negative Language, Insults, Bathos, Synthetic List