The first article I would like to address is by Sanja Ivković, To Serve and Collect: Measuring Police Corruption. Ivković discusses police brutality in this article from 2003. Her goal was to investigate to what extent police corruption occurs. First, she had to determine what could be considered corrupt behavior. By determining this, we can go on to figure out how to measure it, and then obtain accurate information about the corruption, such as the nature of it or to what extent it is being used. This allows us to use appropriate methods of control, to keep police corruption in check. We have no real way to measure police corruption as of late, so it is difficult to determine how often it occurs. Ivković described in her paper that even though police corruption is hard to measure, due to having no real measuring system and no people or officers willing to come forward frequently enough. The more people that come forward, the more reliability increases. Though we have no way of measuring corruption, there is enough that it causes concern in our justice
The first article I would like to address is by Sanja Ivković, To Serve and Collect: Measuring Police Corruption. Ivković discusses police brutality in this article from 2003. Her goal was to investigate to what extent police corruption occurs. First, she had to determine what could be considered corrupt behavior. By determining this, we can go on to figure out how to measure it, and then obtain accurate information about the corruption, such as the nature of it or to what extent it is being used. This allows us to use appropriate methods of control, to keep police corruption in check. We have no real way to measure police corruption as of late, so it is difficult to determine how often it occurs. Ivković described in her paper that even though police corruption is hard to measure, due to having no real measuring system and no people or officers willing to come forward frequently enough. The more people that come forward, the more reliability increases. Though we have no way of measuring corruption, there is enough that it causes concern in our justice