Nicole Ashley Martin
September 1, 2013
Political Commentator Interview
Option 1: Reagan Remembered Interview
ME: One of the principles of the New Right is that it favors strict limits on government intervention in the economy. As the President of the United States and a consumer yourself, do you believe that the government has too much involvement in the economic affairs of Americans?
RONALD REAGAN: I do believe not only as President, but also as a consumer myself that the government does intrude to deeply into American life. “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves” (Think Exist, 2013, para. 10). …show more content…
RONALD REAGAN: In regard to the end of the Cold War, my belief always has been that “[a] people free to choose will always choose peace (List Verse, 2013, para. 3). Instead of confrontation with the Soviet Union as the previous presidents upheld, I decided to take a different approach and talk instead. I foresaw an ash heap for communism, but without Mikhail Gorbachev, the Cold War would have not ended. Luckily enough I had the opportunity to fall into a situation where I could negotiate and come to terms with a man such has Mikhail Gorbachev, and end the Cold War.
ME: Reagan you have promised to restore America’s economy, and it seems that to do this you have ordered a reduction in taxes. How do you believe this experiment, which some are calling “supply-side” or “Reaganomics” will restore the economy to …show more content…
4). I was in excruciating pain near my ribs, and the frothy blood that occurred when I cough worried me. I remember trying to stay in high-spirits for Nancy’s sakes, and when someone asked how I felt I can remember saying,"[a]ll in all, I 'd rather be in Philadelphia"(Ronald Reagan Official Site, 2008, para. 9).
List Verse. (2013). 20 Great Quotes From Ronald Reagan. Retrieved from
On The Issues Every Political Leader on Every Issue. (2013, July 11). Ronald Reagan on Budget & Economy. Retrieved from
Ronald Reagan Official Site. (2008). 1980 Primaries. Retrieved from
Think Exist. (2013). Ronald Reagan quotes. Retrieved from