Philosophy professor Robert Paul Wolff examines these questions of political …show more content…
Locke viewed all men as created free and independent by nature. Consent is the only way than men can have their property taken away or be subject to political power. Every man that consents to be out into one united body in society is obligated to submit to the determination of the majority, otherwise the one power has no significance. Any number of freeman consenting to unite is how political societies are formed. Any man who enjoys aspects of the government gives consent to an obligation to be obedient within the territory. They agree to enjoy the protection and privileges under the laws of the country they enjoy. Even though men are free by nature this enjoyment of freedoms is uncertain. Since all men are equally lords of their own person, the enjoyment of property is not secure or safe. Therefore the condition of the state of nature is filled with fear and danger. Locke assesses that men have a desire to join into society for peace and safety. Additionally, the purpose of government is to protect mans property. The commonwealth sets up established laws to be the standard of right and wrong. An indifferent judge determines all of societies differences according to the established laws. There are forces to carry out sentences to those who break the established laws according to the judge. Man gives up his executive power, liberty, and equality when entering into society. In return, legislative powers must govern by established laws, rule for the rich and poor, and raise taxes only with the consent of people or their representatives. Power cannot be transferred out the people’s hands. Society sets these limited for their legislative power. When the legislative power becomes corrupt or fails to work for the common good, it forfeits its power. The people now have the supreme power to continue legislative, place the government in a new