Throughout the world, different nations use different forms of government. The great philosopher Aristotle types of government by who rules and in whose interest its in. the first type of government I will mention is a monarchy. In monarchy, the rule is with one hereditary king of queen with the interest being with all of the people in the nation. This type of government is what we see in England today. The early colonists fought for their independence against this monarchy. Another form of government called totalitarianism is much different than a monarchy in one key aspect being for whose interest the ruler is in. In this form of government, the ruler runs the country only to benefit him, and has no interest in the benefits of the people living in the nation. This form of government today exists in North Korea under Kim Jong-Un. In this government, Kim Jong-Un exercise complete power and his power is unlimited. The individuals have no personal rights of liberties. Another form of government seen around the world is called an oligarchy. In this form of government the right to participate depends on the possession of wealth, social status, military positions, or other achievements. When forming our own government, the colonists originally rejected a system with a strong ruler such as exists in the British
Throughout the world, different nations use different forms of government. The great philosopher Aristotle types of government by who rules and in whose interest its in. the first type of government I will mention is a monarchy. In monarchy, the rule is with one hereditary king of queen with the interest being with all of the people in the nation. This type of government is what we see in England today. The early colonists fought for their independence against this monarchy. Another form of government called totalitarianism is much different than a monarchy in one key aspect being for whose interest the ruler is in. In this form of government, the ruler runs the country only to benefit him, and has no interest in the benefits of the people living in the nation. This form of government today exists in North Korea under Kim Jong-Un. In this government, Kim Jong-Un exercise complete power and his power is unlimited. The individuals have no personal rights of liberties. Another form of government seen around the world is called an oligarchy. In this form of government the right to participate depends on the possession of wealth, social status, military positions, or other achievements. When forming our own government, the colonists originally rejected a system with a strong ruler such as exists in the British