1806 - British and Dutch went to war
1811-1816 - Thomas Stamford Raffles is Lieutenant-Governer of Java (East India
Company officer-- British)
1816 - British handed Indonesia back to the Dutch * Many Indonesians resisted the return of the Dutch. However the Dutch eventually defeated them and regained control
1825 - The Java War * Happened in Central Java * led by Pangeran Diponegoro (the eldest son of the sultan of Yogyakarta) * initial cause: The Dutch wanted to build a road across Diponegoro's property that had a sacred tomb in it. * war ended with Dutch victory in 1830
1831 – Second Phase of Padri War * Lasted until 1838
1870-1900 - The Liberal Period
1873-1913 - The Aceh War * was an armed military conflict between theSultanate of Aceh and the Netherlands which was triggered by discussions between representatives of Aceh and the U.S. inSingapore during early 1873. The war was part of a series of conflicts in the late 19th century that consolidated Dutch rule over modern-day Indonesia, concurrent with the 1906 and the 1908 interventions in Bali
1879 - Kartini was born in Jepara, today the date is commemorated as women's emancipation day in Indonesia. * Raden Ayu