They’re so many things alike and different but this is how Pompeii and West Jordan are alike in some ways. One way is that we both have lots of people and we also both have buildings,homes,shops and roads that is how they are alike in some ways.
They’re a lot of things different to. To start off talking about Pompeii. Pompeii is a city in Rome. The article says “The town was laid out like a circle. It was about 2 miles around and a wall with eight gates went around the city. These entry had Roman roads leading to each of them’’.Pompeii had a volcano that erupted a long time ago and no one survived they died instantly. The city is right by a ocean so they eat a lot of seafood like goose liver,mushrooms,suckling pig,fish,oysters,olives and sardines. Pompeii also has public baths,The Colosseum,Temples. Pompeii had to work for their foods like farming.hunting and fishing. The article states” there were several public baths,2 theaters,many temples, a court for gladiators and other important buildings. They also only …show more content…
We also buy our food but they had to work for their food.We have books to read and also we have schools for girls and boys to learn.We also celebrate different things,like we have holidays. Also we have a lot more technology. We have electricity so when it is dark we have light to see so it won’t be pitch black.Also we have nicer and bigger houses and they are more stable.
That is all about Pompeii and West Jordan. Remember Pompeii is located in Rome and West Jordan is in Utah .We have many different things and a like things in the ancient life. So finally that is all about Pompeii and West Jordan how they are alike and how they are