I thought for a long time and finally decided to put Pony boy in foster care because of all the bad things in his past. Such as his brother slapping him. His brother is only eighteen years old taking care of a fourteen year old.Not only taking care of a fourteen year old but also his brother soda pop. So Darry has a huge responsibility that he can not seem to control. He even leaves his under aged brother at home alone with no super vision. So his brother is slapped and not watched and probably feels alone since he is not even able to leave his home. When he is home he criticizes him calling him names like dumb or saying things like ¨You do not use your head. Those kinds of things can hurt a fourteen year old,emotionally. …show more content…
They have a hard time with money that instead of finishing school he would have to get a job to keep living with his brothers. So I see no future in his life if he has to get a job at fifteen and not get an education. Whereas,if he went to foster he could continue to get an education and have a nice future. So I get he has only his brothers left but if they love him then they will let him go so he can have a life he