Popcorn experiment
Lab partners
Robert Barham
Michelle hall
Diva Mancada
Kelley Pritt
1 Introduction
Popcorn, or popping corn, is a type of corn which explodes from a kernel and puffs up when heated. It is a popular snack food, especially in movie theaters. Popcorn can be salted or sweetened. Air popped popcorn is naturally high in fiber, low in calories and fat, contains no sodium and is sugar free. This can make it an attractive snack for people with caloric or dietary restrictions. Large amounts of fat, sugar and sodium are often added to prepared popcorn tat can convert it into a high calorie snack.
2 hypothesis
Orvill Redenbacher has larger popped kernels and less un-popped kernels than Act II.
3 Material Method
Two brand name popcorn packages are being tested. Act II and Orvill Redenbacher. Both are tested in the same microwave. The same time is being used (2.5 Minutes). Both packages were weighed before and after the popping procedure, the results were recorded. Total cooking time was measured and recorded for both popcorn packages. 10 randomly selected popped kernels from each package were measured with a ruler and results were recorded. Average size for both were calculated and recorded. All un-popped kernels were collected from each package and weighed in a dish. The weight of the dish was subtracted from the total weight to find the weight of un-popped kernels from each brand. The percentage was calculated and compared.
4 Results
Weight before cooking Orvill Redenbacher - 104.77g Act II - 97.9g
*Act II package is smaller tan Orvill Redenbacher by 6.84g.
Table 1 *Microwave timer was set for 2.5 minutes

*Table 1 shows that Orvill Redenbacher has a faster cooking time than Act II.
Weight after cooking Act II 87.06g O.