"Population Education or population awareness refers to factual knowledge about population dynamics required to understand the nature and magnitude of the burden imposed by rapid population growth"
Aims and objectives of population education?
Population Education is one of the upcoming educational innovations in the world. It has a relatively short history. The first national seminar on Population Education was held in Mumbai in 1969. Now the inevitable question arises that what this Population Education is.
First of all I have to confess that it is not at all an easy task to define Population Education. Several experts have attempted various definitions of Population Education but a universally accepted definition is yet to be found. The Regional Seminar on Population and Family life Education, UNESCO, Bangkok, 1970 defines: "It is an educational program which provides for a study of population situation in family, community, nation and the world, with the purposeof developing in the students, rational and responsible attitudes and behavior towards that situation."
According to Prof. Noel David Burleson: "Population Education or population awareness refers to factual knowledge about population dynamics required to understand the nature and magnitude of the burden imposed by rapid population growth."
Now taking the help of the above opinions it may be summed up: Population Education is an exploration of knowledge and attitudes about population, family living, reproductive education and basic values. This means educating the students about the large and ever-increasing population and the problems which this population creates.
Objectives are considered as prime necessities in each and every type of educational policy. Unless the objectives are specific and practical no definite program of education can be laid down. Likewise, Population Education necessitates spelling out objectives for its