Teacher: Joann Roberts
Foreign Language Discipline: Latin
Grade Level: High School
Courses: Latin III-IV Honors, AP Latin Literature
Topic: View of Women’s Position in Antiquity
Unit Overview
Essential Understandings:
❑ The position of women in Greek society differed from the position of women in Roman society. ❑ The roles of women in both Greek and Roman society had common elements. ❑ The position and roles of women were dependent on their status and would vary accordingly. ❑ Much of the information regarding women in antiquity is derived from a male point of view and must be analyzed and filtered by examining diverse resources from other disciplines, including art. ❑ Western civilization has experienced both change and stasis in women’s positions as compared to the Greek and Roman civilizations.
Learner Outcomes and Expectations:
❑ Students will understand the differences and similarities between women in Greek and Roman Societies. ❑ Students will identify the differences of women’s position in society based upon their status. ❑ Students will examine the position of various women from selected readings in a primary source, the Metamorphoses by Ovid. ❑ Students will analyze these readings with respect to information from other disciplines, particularly art, to assess the position and roles of some women in antiquity. ❑ Students will be aware of the changes and stasis of women’s position in western society as compared to the Greek and Roman civilizations.
Essential Questions:
❑ What are the roles and positions of women in Greek society? ❑ How do these roles differ by class? ❑ What are the roles and positions of women in Roman society? ❑ How do these roles differ by class? ❑ How do the roles of women in antiquity change and/or remain the same in western civilization? ❑ What information can be derived from a primary