Terrorism => Policing “ measured by: trends, practices, practices”
How did post 9/11 Terrorism Policies impact modern police policies, practices?
The purpose of this article is to describe the concept of the post 9/11 terrorism policies, and how they impacted community policing. The knowledge gained can assist in the development and evaluation of improved emergency responses and police, community relationships.
The literature includes many definitions of policing, some of which have been derived by studying various organizations and their police culture. This summary highlights several broad definitions and goes beyond definitions specific to upcoming issues with the community police organizations. This is an important topic for society because it will give a better understanding of how police will interact and respond to the community and the need for assistance. According to scholar Egon Bittner’s definition of the police, which defines the police in terms of their capacity to use nonnegotiable coercive force in any situation that appears to require a prompt and decisive response (Willis, 2014).
Many findings hold promise for police concerned about problems in the near future. Data from a study …show more content…
conducted by John P. Crank, Colleen Kadleck and Camie M. Koski show that the biggest problem coming in the next 10 years for police: the continued expansion of the boundaries of the police function. The panelist of scholars suggested that focusing on innovation technology and the professionalism model of policing using COMPSTAT and surveillance imaging will best address it.
In addition to focusing on innovation technology and the professionalism model using COMPSTAT and surveillance imaging. The margins of police include: intelligence and privacy, security and crime control, cultural and normative changes, and the expansion of the institution of formal crime control.
The panelist forecast on expansion of police functions is in the areas of community policing, terrorism and security, technology change, sub population bias issues, militarism. The study was an ensemble effort designed to identify principal issues facing the police in the USA over the next 10 years. This data was collected using an expert panel methodology to assess significant issues affecting police in the near term future. Fourteen established scholars agreed to participate in the survey
The authors collected responses to surveys sent to the fourteen panelist experts for data. The panelist responded through email and phone. This data was collected and organized under topics. The authors are affiliated with the University of Nebraska Omaha it was published on October 5, 2010
One particular area where police duties are expanding is in the area of intelligence and privacy and technology. Police are better informed than before because intelligence is relaying information through innovated technology. Innovated technology provides police with a more efficient use of information collected and analyzed. The authors also noted that there might be concerns regarding older officers who resent change because they are not tech savvy. The patriot act of 2001 post 9/11 law, expanded the use of technology to gather intelligence, thus giving the right to infringe into the publics civil rights.
Security and crime control uses a security discourse approach that protects the United States from terrorism. The Patriot Act permitted the expansion of counter terrorism laws to not only suspected terrorists but felons as well. The post 9/11 changes allow co-authorship of criminal investigations for counter terrorism between municipal and federal agencies, permitting for a larger based security force. Thus making it harder to deal with community problems as wel as federal problems.
Police have changed their cultural views on work and how they act and perceive these values. The authors note that a cultural shift in police work from a punitive culture where enforcement of the law and discipline those who break it, to a regulative based culture with health, juvenile, family service to regulate relationships. The authors note that prisons are costly financially and ineffective. It is suggested that the role to a regulative-based culture based on education and services will be more effective.
Normative changes in the identification of the central roles and missions of the police. The authors note that due to the transition of counter terrorism policing, the police will shift emphasis on security for the public to more for the government. Thus raising concerns for society. The transition of roles and the expansion of police functions consist of a shift to all hazards approach to police work, planning activities around a threat perspective, and implementing intelligence led policing.
The professionalism model of policing uses the COMPSTAT model techniques and surveillance imaging will be the best option for future policing.
A shift of police professionalism will act as a stronger version of the current model for policing. Because it will increase invasiveness in the lives of citizen interactions. The innovated technology has improved the crime mapping by face recognition, finger printing, and iris identification. COMPSTAT suggest improvements of crime statistics in the area with crime mapping. The authors note that the expansion of police institutions is growing not because of crime increases, but because of the expansion of police functions, counter terrorism, and minimizing
A growing number of researchers recognize the importance of Normative changes in the identification of the central roles and missions of the police, Transitioning to counter terrorism policing. However this transition has its limitations on the correct policies to implement, for instance theses studies fail to include lack of knowledge of technology in older police officers, and because of the sharp downturn in the US economy police technologies will be very limited due to restrictive police budgets. Also the future economic crisis that will place stress on the government, consequently increasing crime and unemployment. Because of the decline of the nation, expanding jurisdiction to other countries will take effect. The police expansion will consist of local, national, international affairs. The panelist in the issues facing police in the future study suggested that there are hiring concerns in the small and larger agencies because of enlistment of police personnel into the military service, thus limiting the qualified pool for police work
The findings hold promise for police concerned about problems in the near future. The implementation of expansion of police work and innovated security technology using COMPSTAT will best address the issues in the future. The expansion of counterterrorism increases a larger security force. The culture change to regulative-based culture may be a viable alternative to the punitive culture, where police will find themselves in different environments. Because of the transition to counter terrorism policing, the police will take a shift more towards government affairs instead of public. The police are adaptable and responsive to a technological innovation, utilize the professionalism model of COMPSTAT techniques and surveillance imaging appears to be the way of the future.
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