Post-Merger Performance of North American, European and UK acquirers
A study of synergy advantages: M&As during 1981-1999 in the Utilities, Manufacturing and Services industries
Author: EUR study number: Thesis supervisor: Finish date:
M.B. Gmelich 307381 Dr. W. de Maeseneire September 2011
This thesis empirically investigates the antecedents of abnormal return and operating performance improvement through mergers and acquisitions in Europe, the United Kingdom and North America. The study is an empirical study of M&As of listed acquirers and targets announced between 1985 and 1999. The transactions are analysed using event studies for abnormal return on the short and long terms (216 transactions) and operating performance (135 transactions). The event study for the shareholders’ wealth of acquiring firms report significant negative abnormal returns on the long run. This does not support M&A motives of acquiring firms. The M&As with a Europe-based target firm instead report significant positive abnormal returns for a three- and five-year event window. Nevertheless, the European targets within the sample are too small to make reliable conclusions. The post-merger operating performances of merged firms based on accounting variables are compared with industry developments. The results do not support the operating synergy argument for M&A activity or overall ROA improvement. However, a positive influence for financial synergy is found in lower capital expenses after two years. Furthermore, a cross sectional regression analysis is done for abnormal returns and operating performance improvement to detect influences of deal and firm characteristics. A positive relation for cross border mergers and a negative relation for targets in the Utilities industry are found in the results.
Keywords Synergy, Mergers &
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