Mantras that has become ingrained from my nurse training are ‘assessment, assessment, assessment’ and ‘if it is not written it is not done’. In a post-surgical setting, assessment is also pre-emptive and communication and documentation is imperative. Assessment must extend beyond the vital signs to include a focus on pain, skin colour (for cyanosis/shock), respiratory rate (including depth and nature), skin temperature (for hypo/hyperthermia), pulse (rate volume and rhythm), conscious levels (presence of reflexes – swallowing/cough/tears) and signs of haemorrhage or infection (wounds/drains) (Starrit, 1999). Although most hospitals have checklists to help with assessment of the patient post surgery, I am responsible for thinking beyond this checklist to provide Mrs Hilton with quality care. Whilst Mrs Hilton’s surgery was uneventful, her age and medical history of symptomatic
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