PROGRESS TOWARDS GOAL: The client reported that he occasionally experiencing the anxiety symptom level and increase his low self-esteem and self worthiness level. The client reported that he continued to use …show more content…
The therapist asked the client to write ten positive characteristics about himself and represent it into actions or thoughts to face the negative thought that he is experiencing. In addition to that, he will keep trying to tell himself that "there is light at the end of the channel". The therapist used the modeling techniques of relaxation skills, progressive muscle relaxation to practice with the client during the first ten minutes of the session. The therapist discusses the client's journal about thought record and how much insight he got when he starts to realize the negative thoughts pattern which related to illogical thoughts and the metaphors that could influence his actions. The therapist discusses with the client one of his metaphors "If---------then", like, if i going to fail during the job interview, then I would not be able to get a good job. The client was able to relate this metaphor with his core of believe and how far it influences his thoughts about himself and his self