PTSD is a common anxiety disorder in Australia with a twelve month prevalence of 3.3% (McLennan 1997, p.18), and in its more serious forms, it is a chronic and disabling psychiatric disorder associated with high co-morbidity and impairment of functioning. The essential feature of PSTD is the development of characteristic symptoms following exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor. This can be a direct personal experience which involves actual or threatened death or serious injury, or witnessing such an event. PTSD is defined by Comer (2002, p. 142) as an anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms continue to be experienced long after the traumatic event. PTSD is characterised by the persistent re-experiencing of the traumatic event either in intrusive painful recollections and flashbacks or in dreams, avoidance of situations that trigger the recollection of trauma, numbing of general responsiveness and signs of hyper-arousal.
The possible existence of the disorder can be ascertained by several questions which are based around the DSM-IV-TR. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association (AMA) and provides diagnostic criteria for disorders such as PTSD, and is used widely in varying degrees around the world by clinicians and researchers. The DSM-IV-TR represents the current conceptualisation of PTSD and ‘needs to be followed closely to