World trade in papaya has increase rapidly over the last years. Major countries that contribute in exportations are Brazil, Hawaii, South Africa, Jamaica, Israel and East Africa. Importing countries are UK, Canada, Europe and Japan.
Among all off the fruits here in the Philippines one of the yielding and beneficial in terms of produce and exportations is the papaya. Carica papaya is one of the healthy fruit that is being considered here on the Philippines due to its nutrient content. However, the said fruit is not only for human consumption or part of their diet. Papaya undergoes on the Philippine National Standard (PNS) prior for commercial purposes, exportation and consumption. Papaya is well grown in tropical countries like in the Caribbean region. It has many varieties that accounts almost 15 in worldwide and continue to increase due to fast development on new varieties by plant breeding.
To know the Philippine National Standards (PNS) of papaya.
To identify some diseases and problems encountered in papaya production.
To know the different varieties and postharvest procedures of papaya.
Materials and Procedures:
- paper/notebook - searching the internet and library - ballpen - laptop/computer
Results and Discussion:
Different Varieties of Papaya
'Kapoho Solo ' or 'Puna Solo '
1. 'Solo‘
2. 'Higgins '
3. 'Wilder '
4. 'Pusa Majesty '
5. 'Hortus Gold‘
6. 'Waimanalo‘
7. 'Bettina ' and 'Petersen‘
8. 'Improved Petersen '
9. 'PusaDelkious '
10. 'Pusa Giant '
11. 'Pusa Dwarf '
12. 'Singapore Pink‘
Harvesting and harvesting methods
The goals of harvesting are to gather the fruit at the desired stage of maturity, with a minimum of loss and damage, as rapidly as possible, and at minimum cost.
Harvesting operations differ with the size of operation in terms of: Time at which fruit are harvested Size and composition of picking
References: Marte, R, 1986. Evaluation of the papaya industry in Jamaica. Medlicott, A. P. 1988. Storage trials on papaya sea shipment, CATCO internal report Sommer, N.F