The education provided would be based on the factor that she is a multigravida. Typically, first time mothers would attend two discharge classes prior to being discharged, but since she is a multigravida these classes will be optional. The two classes are a breastfeeding class and a going home class. The breastfeeding class discusses strategies to breastfeeding, as well as, how to pump your breast milk, which would be applicable to Patient Y since her newborn is in the NICU. The going home class offers information regarding a newborn bath, how to change a newborn, and how to place them for safe sleep. Patient Y and her husband would need to watch two videos prior to being discharged. The two videos are safe sleep and shaken baby syndrome. After watching these videos the parents must sign a form, which indicates that they were educated on these topics and a copy of the form is sent to the state. All of this information would be provided to the patient during her stay on the post-partum …show more content…
First the nurse would acknowledge the discharge order, written by the physician, for Patient Y in the computer. Next, the nurse would print out a packet of discharge instructions for the patient. Then, the nurse would go through the information in the discharge packet with the patient. Typically, this information would include information for the mother and the newborn, but since this patient’s newborn was admitted to the NICU, the nurse will only provide information for the mother. The nurse would start off by going over the medications that would be prescribed for the patient following discharge. Patient’s Y medications would include: docusate sodium 100mg capsule twice daily, folic acid 1 mg tablet once daily, ibuprofen 600mg tablet as needed for mild pain, a multivitamin daily, and oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325mg tablet as needed for moderate pain. Then the nurse would instruct Patient Y to follow-up with her OBGYN within a week of being discharged. After this, the following information included in the discharge packet would be specific to C-sections. Stated below is the typical information that the nurse would re-emphasize at the time of discharge. Postpartum bleeding usually lasts at least 10 days, and may last longer than 6 weeks. The bleeding can range from light (barely staining a pad) to heavy (soaking a pad in 1 hour). The