Everybody dreams but not everybody can remember them. We usually don't remember dreams when we suddenly wake up and move about. This happens when you are usually in a rush, when your alarm clock goes off or you are pressured to get up quickly. You remember dreams on such occasions as you lie in on the weekends when you wake up slowly and gradually change from the sub-conscious mind to the conscious mind. This is called lucid dreaming. With this you can take partial control of what happens during a dream. Since you can do this you don't have to be restricted to do all the things you do in real life but you could do whatever you like because it's your mind that's controlling you not your body and gravity. For example, you could fly or walk through walls.
The powers of dreams
The dreaming world could be a very powerful thing so much so that it causes a baby to be born because of lucid dreaming. In a true story taken from the book called Living with Dreams a woman dreamt that she just had a period in her dreams. This was so realistic that she actually thought she had a real period not one dreamt up in a dream. A few days later she had sex thinking that it was the best time to have sex without becoming pregnant. Two or three weeks she felt something strange was happening and so consulted a doctor who said that she had become pregnant. All this happened just because of a dream.
Another dream that caused panic was when a student from university had just completed a project and all he had to do was hand it in the morning. Because he was thinking about this project so much the project became a part of
Bibliography: Edgar Cayce On Dreams by Dr. Harmon H Bro and edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce. Published in 1989 by The Aquarian Press Living with Dreams by Dr. Roderick Peters. Published in 1990 by Andre Deutsh Limited