Merriam-Webster Definition of Authority the power to give orders or make decisions : the power or right to direct or control someone or something. the confident quality of someone who knows a lot about something or who is respected or obeyed by other people.
I agree with this definition with a few minor additions. To me, authority is when a person can take charge without fear of leading in …show more content…
This is becoming a problem in our society where people think that being informal and unprofessional will get you far. When in reality, you will only make it so far and then you need to act and look professional. People will give you more respect and listen to you just by dressing and acting more professional. It gives you a sense of knowledge and authority just to your look and people respect that. For an example, if you are the manager of a bank and you show up to work wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Do you think the other employees under you will think highly of you? Or give you the authority you deserve? Probably not. This goes for just about every higher job position and for as little as dressing up nice, it’s a easy start to being more …show more content…
Most of the time you are put in authority for a reason; and that’s because you know how to do the job or task at hand correctly. So do it your way because the person that put you in that position wants it done your way. Authority is being a leader and you have to tell others under you how to work your way to guide them down the right path. People under your authority are looking to be lead in the right direction and taught the right things. Everybody will look for you to guide them if you are in authority because you are basically in top