The power of love is a recurring theme throughout Mythology and Romeo and Juliet. There is a great significance of the theme love in both of these units. Love was displayed in many ways in both novels and was proved to be an excellent motivator for many actions and the perfect instigator for many emotions.
Love, one of the most powerful motivators the world. Many acts of heroism and courage have been committed in the name of love. Not only good deeds, but also acts of hate and war. These units both prove this idea in many ways, actions and emotions. Love is a universal influence and has lots of powers.
The first example of the theme is the story of the Greek hero Perseus and how he discovered his wife, Andromeda. …show more content…
The story of Alcestis and Admetus starts in the Greek city of Iolcus. Admetus, a brave and young prince, had caught the eye of Alcestis. Alcestis wished to be with the prince, but her father demanded any patron willing to marry his daughter would have to be one that ‘could yoke a wild boar and a lion to his chariot and drive safely round the race course.’ Admetus had planned to complete the challenge or die trying when he was begged by a strange herdsman ‘to serve him (Admetus) for one year without wages.’ Admetus agreed to this, and he treated the herdsman kindly and well. After the year was up, the strange herdsman revealed himself to be none other than one of the Greek gods, Apollo. Apollo had come to Earth to serve a mortal master because he had pissed off Zeus. Apollo, grateful for a caring master said to Admetus, ‘So I came to you, Admetus; and I have not regretted my choice. For you have proved a fair and kindly master, and I will reward you in any way I can.’ Admetus, thinking not of riches or royalty, instead thought of his love. He wished for Apollo to help him conquer the beast and help him complete the condition on which Alcestis was to be won. This shows the power of love influencing Admetus’s decision to gain him a future with his to-be wife. This is not the only example of the theme of love in the tale of Alcestis and Admetus. Admetus, having won his wife through the