The Power of Veto
The power of the veto granted to the executive branch is one of the few authoritative powers of the presidency established by the Constitution which allows the president an explicit role in lawmaking. …show more content…
Additionally, it allows a place at the legislative bargaining table for the president even when a majority of those around it might be hostile to his aims.
Through the use of a veto, the president “can kill legislation he opposes or, more frequently, wrest policy concessions from majorities loathe to relinquish them.” The veto comes in to play when Congress presents the President with a bill which the president then chooses to accept and sign into law or he may “leave it’ by using the veto. However, the veto does not end the battle between Congress and the White House as Congress may override the veto which would enact the bill into law allowing the legislative body to declare a victory. Veto power can have a substantial impact and directly influence bills passed by congress which need approval from the president before the bill becomes a law. Additionally, though the effect is less direct, the veto has a potentially large consequence on the
information transmission process. The veto is simply just one of the checks within the separation of powers which can serve as an instrument of conflict holding salutary effects on our political system. The power of the veto allows for the public to stay focused on disputes between congress and the executive branch while providing a “check on the legislature’s tendency to dominate our tripartite government” and then serving as a “countervailing policy tool for the president.” Though the veto allows for great power, the purpose behind the veto is not create conflict but instead to permit the government running on an even keel by allowing the President to partner with the legislative process.
Warrantless Search and the Fourth Amendment
The fourth amendment prohibits the invasions of an individual’s privacy by forbidding warrantless search and seizures of an individual and their effects. The advancement of technology has created new investigative tools for law enforcement but these advancements have corresponded with constitutionality challenges under the fourth amendment. Recognizing that