Student Name: Mohamed Raseen Mohamed Rasmy
Student No: TP-035524
Email Address:
Program Name: IT- Network Computing
Title of project: An APU network community platform in essential shopping item.
Please record which modules your topic is related to:
Advanced Database Systems
Programming Concepts in C++
Web Applications
This is the draft proposal of your FYP which needs to be submitted to the project administrator by hardcopy – refer to your timeline for submission deadline.
1. Introduction
Nowadays shopping is very crucial effort done every individuals. People desires and needs are endless, although it updatable day to day. Hence moving with day by day busy schedule, people wouldn’t have idea about where is the exact place to buy their required stuff available. By this time, to a particular shopping item have around one to hundred branded products. Therefore choosing the genuine item for best price is truly challengeable. Also concerning modern business methodologies such as promotions and advertisements are enveloped unexperienced consumers into their products, finally fresh consumers bind to one product blindly. Wherever the term business exists the chances of fraud also conditionally exists. Because of high competition every vendors trying to be smart via variety of tactics. So there are possibilities on unreliability. Despite such issues how a consumer find the appropriate required shopping item and knowing the best price, where and how to get it with the condition of reliability. The same situation happening to APU students and staffs. One of the solution is to this issue, which can be getting best price with reliability for shopping items is knowing the product information via own community. Obviously we