I. Introduction
II. Gastronomy
III. Factors
IV. Meal types
V. Dining experiences
VI. Relationship
VII. Beverages
VIII. Science and technology
IX. Cultures/religions
X. Changes in lifestyle
XI. Media
XII. Individuals
‘practical (ˈpræktɪk ə l)
— adj
of, involving, or concerned with experience or actual use; not theoretical
of or concerned with ordinary affairs, work, etc
adapted or adaptable for use
of, involving, or trained by practice
being such for all useful or general purposes; virtual — n
an examination in the practical skills of a subject: a science practical [C17: from earlier practic, from French pratique, via Late Latin from Greek praktikos, from prassein to experience, negotiate, perform] usage A distinction is usually made between practical and practicable. Practical refers to a person, idea, project, etc, as being more concerned with or relevant to practice than theory: he is a very practicalperson; the idea had no practical application. Practicable refers to a project or idea as being capable ofbeing done or put into effect: the plan was expensive, yet practicable’ from the Collins dictionary forom ‘Gastronomy [gæsˈtrɒnəmɪ] n 1. The art of good eating
2. (Cookery) the type of cookery of a particular region the gastronomy of Provence
[From French gastronomie, from Greek gastronomia, from gastēr stomach]’
From the Collins dictionary
Gastronomy is the study between the relationships of food and society. They focus particularly on gourmet cuisine, someone who is well versed in gastronomy is called a gastronome were a gastronomist is someone who unities theory and practical in the study of gastronomy. There is numerous areas studied in gastronomy, they include; culture, taste, trends and religion. For many people gastronomy and food is more of a way of life even if it’s just a normal everyday family meal to having a three course meal in a top restaurant.
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