武汉理工大学外国语学院 李晓惠
广东培正学院 胡敏 广东广州 510830
关键词: 英汉人称指示语, 先用与反先用现象, 翻译
Contrastive study is a branch of science concerning with two or more languages by exploring the differences and similarities in a synchronic way. This thesis is an attempt to analyze the similarities and diversities of person deixis between English and Chinese,especially to focus on the analysis of the pre-emptive usage and anti-pre-emptiveness of person deixis. The purpose of this thesis is to apply some pragmatic theories on deixis to translation through contrastive analysis.
Keywords: English and Chinese person deixis, pre-emptiveness and anti-pre-emptiveness. translation 1. Introduction
The term deixis is borrowed from the Greek word for pointing or indicating. According to Levinson, “the single most obvious way in which the relationship between language and context is reflected in the structures of languages themselves is through the phenomenon of deixis.” (Levinson, 1983: 54). In sum, deixis is a form of referring that is tied to the speaker’s context, with the most basic distinction between deictic expressions being near speaker versus away from speaker.
Deixis appears to be a universal feature of human communication, which is frequently treated as one of the core areas within pragmatics. Like any other topic in linguistics, deixis itself has its divisions. According to Pragmatics written by Levinson, he classified five major categories of deixis based on other linguists’ researches, which are person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. This thesis only focuses on the analysis of person deixis.
2. Pre-emptiveness and anti-pre-emptiveness
When Levinson (1983) gave a detailed analysis of time deixis, he