Author(s): Lisa Penalosa, Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Business, University of Colorado and Mary C. Gilly, Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine
Citation: Lisa Penaloza and Mary C. Gilly, “Marketer Acculturation: The Changer and the Changed” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63 (July 1999), pg 84-104
Keyword:Acculturation, Multidisciplinary Theoretical Foundation, Critical Ethnographic Research Methodology, The Marketer Acculturation Process
Article type: Research paper
Purpose: This article’s purpose is to explore and identify how marketers can deal and respond to acculturation in order to accommodate their customers’ resistance to new and old culture interaction and adaptation. This acculturation occurs on the levels of the firm, the marketer, marketplace and social relations
Design/methodology/approach – This article utilizes Critical Ethnographic research focused mainly on the individual marketer’s process of learning to adapt to consumers of other culture in consideration of the firm’s important avenues of cultural adaptation and the success of the marketers with regards of competition and cooperation with competitors and other marketers.
Findings – This study shows that social relations is the arena where marketer acculturation takes place. Marketers should strengthen relationships with the customers by getting involved with them and aligning their community’s interests. This is one way of bringing together people of same culture resulting to a formation of a niche market.
Practical implications – The article helps firms plan their marketing strategy in terms of relating to the mechanics of cultural learning. It would be a challenge of acculturation to balance the approach in order to not demean and prejudice the market’s existing culture. Such process should be done with caution. A good example is