Ms. King
Prep English
26 March 2013
Precocious Puberty
Precocious puberty is a rare disease but is becoming more common in children today. About 1 out of 5000 children is affected by this disease. Precocious puberty can begin as early as three or four for girls and five or six for boys. Also, it is most common in African American girls. Studies show that children who are adopted from overseas are 10-20 times more likely to develop precocious puberty. Not all children diagnosed with precocious puberty need to be treated. This disease can have lifelong health risk for girls and boys. Girls are ten times as likely to have central precocious puberty then boys. These are some interesting facts I found on parent/medical/sexual/precocious.html. There are many interesting facts about precocious puberty including: the types, causes, and signs; the clinical and social significance and isosexual and heterosexual; and the treatments and consequences.
To begin with, there are two kinds of precocious puberty central and peripheral. Central precocious puberty is the more common of the two. Gonadotropins are hormones that are produced by the pituitary glands; these hormones stimulate the testicles or ovaries to make other hormones. And the changes of puberty, like breast development in girls, are caused by these hormones. Central precocious puberty often causes children’s bones to feel older than usual. Children with this diagnosis can reproduce early making them fertile an able to have children as early as they start puberty. Peripheral precocious puberty is a secondary sexual development induced by sex steroids from other abnormal sources. Peripheral precocious puberty has nothing to do with the brain or pituitary glands; it’s a local problem with the ovaries, testicles, adrenal gland, or a severely underactive thyroid gland. Also these facts stated are found on
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