The article that I read is called, “Pregnancy Week by Week” it was written by Planned Parenthood. I found this article online on the Planned Parenthood website. It gave a detailed description of what happens during each week of pregnancy. It described the physical changes that happen to the baby as well as the mother. It also list different symptoms that the mother may experience during that week of pregnancy and what size the baby should be and what organs are developing in the baby. I will use this article in my paper because it describes exactly what is happening to the baby at different weeks of pregnancy. I plan on using the information to back up my argument
on why I think abortion is morally wrong. I can use this information to defend how there is life inside the womb and what the baby is like and how developed it is when a woman chooses to abort. This article is not biased, it was written as in information guide for pregnant women to let them know what is happening during each week of pregnancy.