This man was very racist against others, but not himself at all. He jumped to conclusions that everyone was cheating him and trying to get more money from him. But hey, he is an American Citizen so he has rights too. Nothing he did was his fault; it was always someone else’s. For example, when he hired the Mexican man to come fix his lock, and he explained to him that the door was the problem, the Persian man automatically jumped to conclusions and thought that the locks man was cheating him, and trying to get more money from him. In reality though, the lock man was trying to prevent what was going to happen in less than 24 hours for the man. When I was watching this scene it really became apparent to me how much I discriminate against people that don’t speak or understand English very well. You are in America so why don’t you speak English? That has always been something that everyone says, and has made me believe it is true. Americans all think that everyone is here to serve them, and if you are in OUR country, you better learn how to speak and understand English just as well as we do. Otherwise you are an immigrant that is stealing jobs away from the American
This man was very racist against others, but not himself at all. He jumped to conclusions that everyone was cheating him and trying to get more money from him. But hey, he is an American Citizen so he has rights too. Nothing he did was his fault; it was always someone else’s. For example, when he hired the Mexican man to come fix his lock, and he explained to him that the door was the problem, the Persian man automatically jumped to conclusions and thought that the locks man was cheating him, and trying to get more money from him. In reality though, the lock man was trying to prevent what was going to happen in less than 24 hours for the man. When I was watching this scene it really became apparent to me how much I discriminate against people that don’t speak or understand English very well. You are in America so why don’t you speak English? That has always been something that everyone says, and has made me believe it is true. Americans all think that everyone is here to serve them, and if you are in OUR country, you better learn how to speak and understand English just as well as we do. Otherwise you are an immigrant that is stealing jobs away from the American