Godfrey Boyd
American Intercontinental University
There are theoretical and philosophical differences between “formal research” and “business proposals”. The advantages and disadvantages related to both can be a benefit depending upon the problem studied. Research is not fully understood in business. This paper will attempt to highlight reasons for limited utilization of research in business. Small businesses are less likely to conduct marketing research. Amy E. Knaup, an economist with the Office of Employment statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2005, 44% of all new business failed in the first 2 years.
Individual Research Project-Preliminary Research Design
In business, formal research and business proposals have significant differences and some similarities. It is very important to understand the purposes and goals of each.
What are some commonalities? Research and business proposals have similar components. Backround information must be identified for both formal research and the business proposal. (American Journal of Small Business, Vol. IX, No. 4, Spring 1985.)
When someone conducts formal research or a business proposal, they have similar goals. Research and business proposals are conducted to find solutions, or solve problems.
What are some differences? A formal research proposal differs significantly. Both proposals may appear similar. The purpose of formal research is mainly to find data to solve problems or help businesses make improved decisions on daily operations, or use of the best product. Apple’s iPod was a huge financial success in the early to middle 2000s. In 2008, iPod sales dropped significantly.(Business Week). Apple introduced and upgraded the iPod after a significant market study indicated that the economy and practicality of use were indicators of decreased iPod sales. The business proposal will focus more on the product and make it more