If the researchers can identify the sequences of genes they can correct the sequences related with disease and disability. Researchers had a less success using gene therapy to correct such conditions and no researchers had at least tried to use gene therapy to correct impairments in a fetus.
Prenatal testing:
• The prenatal testing is a logical extension of good prenatal care: the idea is that prenatal testing helps prospective parents have healthy babies, on the other hand this perception is quite reasonable; nonetheless, no researcher has yet even attempted to correct a genetic impairment with in-utero gene therapy, increasingly there are non-genetic approaches to such impairment.
• Negative prenatal test results will reduce the anxiety felt by many prospective parents this can be constructed as part of good prenatal care.
• As long as the number of people seeking prenatal genetic information to prepare for the birth of a child with a disability remains small, prospective parents will use positive prenatal test results for the decision to abort fetuses that carry mutations associated with disease and/or disability.
• Prenatal testing is not simply a logical extension of the idea of good prenatal care.
• Prenatal tests are used to prevent the birth of a child with disabilities.
• Prenatal genetic testing is followed by selective abortion is morally problematic and that it is driven by misinformation.
• Rather the discovery of abnormal or incorrect sequences has led primarily to the development of genetic tests that can reveal whether a person, embryo; a fetus carries an abnormality or mutation associated with disease or disability.
• Polydactyly may describe a relatively for which tests are available grow almost daily.
• Biochip technology, it will be possible to test simultaneously for as many traits as one would like.
• Not only will the cost of such testing likely decrease as the diagnostic technology