Prep school or preparation schools. Is a school for young kids, down to the age of 7-8 years. It is a school where you send your kids, so they get smarter or learn to be independent. There are typical some strict rules about seeing their parents. It is often 3 weeks or longer. It is a private owned school where the students also live, but I some cases there are also day students. Private schools are in many occasions, for the rich. Because of the low teaching level in state schools, parents send their kids away to get a higher education level. It also gives the children an opportunity to get in at a better middle school and so on. It gives a chance to get a scholarship for example, for oxford.
However, even though it sounds like a big opportunity for your child, there are some backsides.
- Removal of a child in an early age
- Disciplined behaviour
- Higher education level
The positives
Of course, the intention of boarding schools is to educate and prepare the young children to the higher education schools. That is why it is so popular. The private schools have the opportunity to hire better teachers than the state schools, and therefore offer a better education level.
Not only is the education level much higher, also, the child get more “mature”. In that matter, that the child gets independent. They have to act by themselves, there is no mom cleaning their room anymore, which helps them get more mature. Which is one of the intangible reasons for sending your child away. In addition, they learn a new form for discipline, they have to wear their school uniform every day, clean their room and follow new rules they did not have at home.
Children who wants to learn in public state schools are frequently more often being bullied and become a social outcast, because of their will to learn. In these expensive private schools, every child want to be the best. Therefore, there are no bullies, because of the lack of “stupid kids”. When I mention