Esters are a group of organic compound, famous for their interesting odours and smells. In this investigation student used ethanoic acid and ethanol with sulfuric acid as catalyst to produce ester, which was known of its smell. However it was expected to have a pleasant smell, but it has a smell like a nail polish in cold water and a vinegar in hot water. While the second test was ethanoic acid and propan-1-ol and it has a similar smell like that of ethanoic acid and ethanol, although the product of ethanoic acid and ethanol had a stronger smell but both of them smelled like nail polish remover plus a little vinegar. It was expected to have a pleasant smell, but the characteristic flavors and fragrances nature are due to compounds with the ester functional group. It was done properly overall.
Esters have a very sweetly fruity smell. Obviously occurring esters are found in fruits. An ester is the product of the reaction between an acid (usually organic) and an alcohol. Esters essentially result from the condensation (a reaction that produces water) of a carboxylic acid and an alcohol. The process is called esterification. This reaction can be catalyzed by the presence of H+ ions. However H2SO4 is often used as a catalyst for this reaction. This is the most common method for making esters.
R-OH + R’-COOH ←→ R’-COO-R + H2O
Esterification is an equilibrium reaction, which means that the reaction does not completely go to completion, and it is not likely to get a 100% yield of ester by this method. To overcome this difficulty, a large excess of one of the reagents (typically the alcohol) is used along with a drying agent. Both of these strategies have the effect of changing the equilibrium to the right and increasing the production of
References: "ESTERS." Welcome to Hartnell College!!. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. <http://www.hartnell.cc.ca.us/faculty/shovde/chem12b/esters.htm>. "ESTERS An Introduction to Organic Chemistry Reactions." Esters-intro organic rxns.DOC. David A. Katz, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. <https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:N_rscs1OG40J:www.chymist.com/Esters%2520-%2520Introduction.pdf+how+can+i+improve+ "Lab Preparation and Purification of an Ester." The Upper Canada District School Board. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. <http://www2.ucdsb.on.ca/tiss/stretton/chem "Organic Chemistry- Esters Lab & Lab Report (Making Scents of Esters)."Scribd. Mark Riley, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2012.