WebMD tells us Adhd is a, “chronic condition marked by persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and sometimes impulsivity” (understanding). Some of the Adhd medications are Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin. The medications are stimulants that cause you to be very hyperactive and help you focus. Patients go in to the doctors and tell them they have the symptoms of Adhd so they get prescribed the medications. College and high school students take Adhd medications to help them focus on their work and get a lot of studying done in a short time. When I go into the library during midterm or finals week everyone I see is always on them whether they are friends or strangers. Luckily, I have a heart problem so I was never tempted into taking them so I never will get addicted or have any of the side effects they cause. What the patients don’t realize, however, is that they are very addictive. They don’t think they are because they say, “Oh I only take it when I need to do a lot of work”. But when they are saying it they are admitting they are addictive since they take them anytime they have a lot of work to do or a lot of studying to do. The patients start to love the feeling of what they do to them, how they can do a lot of things in a short period and how they can stay focused. Eventually the users start to need more of the medication to get the same feeling because they have developed …show more content…
James Coburn wrote an article called “prescription drug abuse, related to crime on the rise”. Coburn talked to Mark Woodward, an agent with the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control. In Coburns article, he states “There are two types of addicts, Woodward said. There is the recreational drug addict seeking a high from a prescription drug. And there is the accidental addict who starts on prescription pills. ‘It’s no longer about pain. It's about feeding that craving,’ Woodward said. Over time these drugs can start impacting the reward center of the brain with pleasure and the body wants to feel that way all of the time, Woodward said. ‘Often times they need more and more of the same drug to feed that craving,’ Woodward said” (Coburn). What Coburn is saying is that there are many addicts out there they may have started from prescription pills and some that may not have. The ones that started from prescription pills Coburn calls the “accidental addicts”. They become addicted to whatever the doctor prescribed them to when they might not have needed the medication in the first place or they were prescribed to the medication longer then they needed to be. Coburn then says how the medications give the addict a feeling that they are in love with. They don’t care about the pain or if they even have